Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Prove it's
In term 4 2014 Pouama is learning addition subtraction multiplication and dividing here is what I've done.
Monday, 15 September 2014
Reading sample
WALT: To read with fluency.

SUCCESS CRITERIA: To be successful
- Read at a steady pace, not too fast or not too slow
- Read each sentence with accuracy, not making too many mistakes
- Use good phrasing, paying attention to punctuation and sentence structure
- Change my voice to show feeling or to sound like different characters
Description: I read a book about the largest snake in history called the Titanoboa. It was very interesting because it
Taught me heaps about the snake and the thing I memorized was the TITANOBOA lived in Columbia
at 2009.
Description: I read a book about the largest snake in history called the Titanoboa. It was very interesting because it
Taught me heaps about the snake and the thing I memorized was the TITANOBOA lived in Columbia
at 2009.
SELF ASSESSMENT: Did you achieve the WALT?ExplaIn why? I think I achieved the walt because I read at a steady pace,I was clear and it was easy to understand
Sunday, 14 September 2014
Writing sample
WALT: Entertain
Description: We read the poem “My Remarkable Journey” which inspired us to write our own remarkable journeys about why our homework wasn’t at school today.
I woke up extremely early so I can finish my home work well start to study it and I am studying on cat's yeah.‘‘cat's those horrible creatures they bite and scratch you’’ I said .It's midnight and I'm working on my last weeks homework it's the worst I do get used to it Though and I am going to the airplane and I'm in USA now we are in the airplane to get home on the way. Were now safely home I get to school in my new super speedy scooter as you can see I am into science and construction not homework really. I am almost there on my super duper scooter it has super speed. Now I am there at school done every thing I need to do. No the bell just rang Ringggggggggg. Everyone screams “AAAAAHHHHH” well not me I just got to class as soon as possible really.“Oh no my homework I completely forgot about it darn it”. I said M.r coffee cup said angrily.where is your home work.well you know how I haven't been here for a couple weeks and I just got here today and the plane crashed because there was a heap of fog and then the plane crashed in Auckland we had to walk in mud and and step on rocks and other stuff like that to get to the airport and catch a flight over here so I can get to school.I was in a rush I completely forgot my homework for today I'm so sorry M.r coffee cup the end.
We decided that a quality piece of writing has the following things. Reflect on whether these things are in your story:
Introduction: It hooks the reader in the first few lines making them want to read more
Punctuation: Is your writing ready for a reader? Does your punctuation make it easy for them to read?
Short sentences: Do you create suspense by using these in your writing?
Onomatopoeia: Are these in your writing to create impact?
Alliteration: Are these in your writing to create impact?
Similes/Metaphors: Are these in your writing to create impact?
1. What do you think is the best part of your story?When I forgot my homework.
2. What was the hardest part about completing this portfolio sample?Having to redo this over and over again.
3. Next time, what is a goal you can work towards?Completing this sample on time.
Feedback: I like how you describe what cats are like
Feedforward: I think adding a bit more detail to the rest of your story
Feedforward: I think adding a bit more detail to the rest of your story
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Math/Algebra Sample
Desciption: For maths this term we have been learning a range of strategies to help us solve algebra problems.We did this so we could learn algebra.it helps us to be smarter and learn more.I learnt more about patterns.
Task: Make a short movie to prove that you have achieved your maths goal.
Clear message
Clear message
- Correct answer
- What are you most proud of and why?I am most proud of finishing my poster because I got distracted a lot.
- What challenged you the most and why? Finishing the poster because I was getting distracted.
- Next time, what is a goal you can work towards?Completing this with out getting distracted.
Feedback/feedforward:I think you have a good poster but I think you shouldn't do random pictures.
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
The Learning Pit
WALA: The Learning Pit
Good learning happens in the pit!!!
Description: We have been learning about when good learning happens.

Description: We have been learning about when good learning happens.
Task: Share what you know about the learning pit.
- Draw the Learning Pit.
- List at least 3 feelings that you might have when you are in the pit.
- List at least 3 strategies that you could use to get out of the pit.
- Label where good learning happens.
- List 3 things you could say to yourself when you are in the pit.
Reflect on a time when you have been in the pit. When I played tee ball for the Knights.
- How did you feel when you were in the pit?Frustrated and annoyed.
- What did you do to work out of the pit?practice practice practice.
Feedback/Feedforward: I like your trophy and medal and the different faces. I think you can write down the different feelings. By Corton
Thursday, 4 September 2014
What If.....
What if when you woke up, all the clocks were dead.you would party all night and play video games. But time is very very important because you don't no the time so when you cook a pie you might over cook it or not cook it enough, and if you go to a sports game e.g. Rugby you could be late and it just finished when you get there.
or you would be so early other games might be on or you would be sooooooo early you would see no one NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!and all kids love birthday party's right? Now there gone no time no party's, your friends would just come over at random times.
Description:In Troy's writing group we had a task to write a story about what if when you woke up all the clocks were dead.
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
Te Reo Māori
WALT: communicate a message.
Description: We have been participating in 3 different workshops around colour, compositions and fonts. We put these skills to use in a poster sharing our knowledge about Te Reo Maori.
Why? We have noticed that our posters are too cluttered and do not communicate a message well.
Task: Make a poster about Te Reo Maori.
Message: My message is clear and purposeful. Everything that is on my poster relates to my message.
Composition: My poster is balanced.
Font: My font is clear, readable and suits the message.
Colour: I have used 2-3 colours that are complementary. My background choice makes the text pop!
Accuracy: All of the words on my poster are spelt correctly.
What are you most proud of and why?That we finished it on time and got it hang up.
What challenged you the most and why?Working at the start with just Houston
Next time, what is a goal you can work towards?Making The words bigger.
Feedback/Feedforward:this is great but there are to many colours. #Sam
Thursday, 26 June 2014
My end of term 2 2014 reflections
My end of term reflection
WALT: evaluate our learning honestly
What is an effective learner? A learner that stays on task and ignores the talking to finish priorities on time.
What were the highlights for this term? Why? My highlight was the kahoots because you can learn and have fun at the same time.
What were your greatest challenges this term? Why? The cross contury because I don't like running but I still pushed my body to the end without stoping or walking.
How are you going towards acting with integrity? Why? How could you improve? I think I'm going quite good on showing integrity because I'm staying on task most of the time I could improve by staying on task all of the time.
What are your goals in our learner disposition wall? Where to next? My goals are i am aware of my of what drives my learning,I am aware of my blockers,I complete the priorities in the time given,I know where to find information about my goals,I can ask for help when I need it,I am ready with the things I need for learning most of the time,I occasionally need a reminder to stay on task,I can follow my timetable,I always make good choices about were to work.
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Monday, 23 June 2014
Grass Hopper Tennis
WALT: improve our small ball skills like catching, throwing, and hitting.
Description: We have been participating in a tennis programme with Big John (John Salisbury) from Tennis Manawatu. He has taught us some tennis skills that help with controlling and hitting the ball
Why? To reflect on how we are going with the tennis skills we have learnt. We will share this during our Student Led Conference.
When? Week 8
Who? The World
Task: complete the rubric with targets to show your reflection. Make a comment to the questions below?
What are you most proud of and why? Playing the lobster game because I had to use lots of skills.
What challenged you the most and Why? The lobster glue because it was very tricky.
Next time, what is a goal you can work towards? Hitting the ball all of the time.
Evaluation: I think I did great at grass hopper tennis
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Science Sample
WALT: show our understanding of how energy works.
Task: Make a video (no longer than 30 seconds) about on example of
energy. i.e. States of matter, Potential and Kinetic energy, Newtons Cradle or forms of energy like Radiation, Convection, Conduction.
Gathering Data
I can gather information using my 5 senses
I can gather information to make a prediction
I can use my information to draw conclusions
I can share my findings using evidence I have gathered
What makes a good video:
- clear voices
- different camera angles
- Still camera skills
- mute background noise
- mixture of still and moving images
- background distractions
- music
What makes a good poster:
- clear writing
- detail
- images
- interactive
feedback:I like the way you have done the description you have added lots of detail in there I like it.
feedforward:I think you should work better on your evaluation then a little bit.
Evaluation: now I know more about science
Monday, 16 June 2014
Writing sample
Evaluation: I think did really well at this post.
use a range of verbs (evaporate, melt, etc.) I did use a verb pull.
use a variety of specific vocabulary (matter, solid, liquid, gas)
add significant detail to describe each part (examples, diagram, giff) I explaended what a newtowns cradle is.
vary sentence starters i used the word now a bit
organise my ideas into at least 5 paragraphs I didn't do that but my story did tell what a newtowns cradle is about.
Feedback:well done very descriptive writing. Great idea to draw a diagram.
Feedforward:don't forget to space between words to help your audience.
Do you know what a newtowns cradle is? If you don't a newtowns cradle is to do with maths and science, it has a two strings connecting to the ball. Now this is repeated four times with the strings and the balls. Now the magic, if you pull the one on the very left or right ball the ball on the other side comes up but if you pull two the other two come up three,three comes up and four well four comes up. There's a diagram about what a newtowns cradle is.
Thursday, 12 June 2014
Reading sample
W.A.L.T: rote learn
Description: Poutama Had to do mnemonic Reading sample and you're reading it right now, but a mnemonic is a Way to remember you're spelling words e.g. to so you've got you're word now what to do is make two words that start with T & O but for other words you do the same but with creepy you do the same but with the words that start with C R E E P & Y here's my mnemonic sample
Evaluation: I think I did Great at mnemonics
Feedback: I think you did really good and trying your best by working on it. #Ignacious
Feedforward: You could improve on the picture by adding some more ditail and bigger words. #Ignacious
Maths Sample
Here's my maths sample W.A.L.T. use known facts to solve unknown facts.
here's the video:
Feedback:you did do a ok sum and you did great at the detail. #Callum s
Feedforward:you could work on your explaining because half the time I did not know what you were saying. #Callum s
Discription: We were Doing this because it was a maths expectation, I made a snapper about maths and I made it by using show me
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
Integrity movie/Video
WALT: communicate a message with others.
WALT: show integrity.
DESCRIPTION: We have been learning about integrity. We want to share our understanding with others.
What? Make a Puppet Pal to show our understanding of integrity.
Why? To show what we know about integrity, to share during our Student Led Conference.
When? Term 2, Week 1 - 7
Who? The World
EVALUATION: (Comment directly on the success criteria. You need to add a comment or a target after each success criteria)
WALT: communicate a message with others.
Create a story board showing the beginning, middle and end of our message. I think we did well with the story board.
Use Puppet Pals as a tool to share our message. I think my group struggled using puppet pals
Keep our audience engaged. I think our audience will be engaged.
WALT: show integrity.
Everyone in our group has contributed evenly. we sucked at that bacause I didn't say much.
Integrity is the main theme of our message. I think it was 50/50 because
I show integrity by: helping,cleaning up and honsty
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Thursday, 15 May 2014
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
300 Essential Words Spelling Test
On Monday,Tuesday and Wedenday Poutama did the GREATEST spelling test ever!! it has 300 Words I got 47/300 words wrong and that means I need to practice 47 words
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
W.A.L.T.: Write a recount
WHOOOOOOO!WHOOOOOOO!WHOO! Time to go to the next activity I thought Then I went to the next activity from rock climbilng First Lili and I went up POW!POW!POW!POW!POW!POW! Ithink thought I did
well my Brain told me.l BANG!BANG!BANG!BANG!BANG!BANG! Lili shot ‘how well did I get for my score’ I said. ‘Ok well what's 6 +7 ?‘I replyed 13'.So put your name down and right 13, and so I did
And so did Group D. now for our second atemtet.and third.Now the shooting is over.Now we figure who got the highest score.THE END!!!!!
Scores:Tane's:009 Kai's:000Lili's:131Aria's:?Tabitha's:004
Monday, 7 April 2014
Kotahıtanga Sample
WALT: show kotahitanga
Success Criteria:
Use photos to share our camp experiences
Use text to explain the kotahitanga
My camp goals
WALT:set smart goals
I have chosen this goal because I haven't got many friends
I know I've achieved this when I've got new friends
I can help myself by by being friendly to at least five people
my 2nd goal is to eat new food
I've chosen this goal because I stick to the food I usually eat
I know I've accomplished this when I've tried new food
Reflectıon: I was secsusfull at makıng fıve new frıends because I was frıendly enough to make fıve NEW frıends!
thank you letter to Emma
Dear Emma,
thank you very much with helping group D on the magnificent,excellent,earthboards. that to me is a highlight on camp.My favourite part on camp ıs when I commando rolled off & Tane fell off the earthboard! Tane & I zoomed don the top of the mıghty gravel hıll. I zoomed down the gravel and fınıshed on the soft grass.
Yours Sıncerely,
Kyan Reynolds
Sunday, 6 April 2014
clay models
WALT: share an experience with an audience
Success Criteria:
Share an experience so that someone else feels as thought they are experiencing it with you.
Share what you learnt
Share what you would do differently next time
On Wedensday 3 weeks ago our buddy class and Ellys whanau class made clay together our class made clay wıth our buddy's. I went with Shaun who's my buddy we made models, also the whole School dıd as well.
Swımmıng Sports
W.A.L.T. Evaluate our learnıng honıstly
Task: Reflect on your efforts at swimming sports day
Success Criteria:
Use an image here.
Answer questions honestly.
Use correct spelling and punctuation.
Ask your learning partner to write you some feedback. Remember Austin’s Butterfly.
What are you most proud of at swimming sports and why?
having fun and enjoying swimming
What challenged you the most and Why?
using the noodles
How did you show kotahitanga?"
by saying nice words in the pool,like I hope you have fun
Next time, what is a goal you can work towards?
By not stopping as much in freestyle.And using what I learnt at swimming at the pool at school.
Here is a photo of me and my friends at swimming sports.
activity group presentation
Camp Presentation
WALT: present
Success Criteria:
Know your stuff
Loud clear voice
Share the main points
Make eye contact
Make sure every member participates
click this link to go to my activity groups presentation about wetas
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Sunday, 30 March 2014
Stats sharp shooting
WALT calculate the mean, median, mode and range for a set of data.
TASK Elly and Troy want to find out once and for all:
which Activity Group has the overall best score, (mean)
which Activity Group has the highest middle number, (median)
what score was the most common, (mode)
which activity group has the highest range. (range)
In everyday life people collect data to look for trends and make decisions. In order to analyse the information, we need to understand the different ways to lOOK at the data.
Success Criteria you will know you are successful when:
calculate the mean by adding up all the data (9 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 8 = 30) then divide the total by how many numbers there were (9, 4, 4, 5, 8 = 5 numbers so 30 ÷ 5 = 6).
calculate the median by ordering all numbers from smallest to biggest then selecting the middle number (4, 4, 5, 8, 9 = 5 is the middle number). If there are 6 numbers e.g. 4, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, then the median is halfway = 5.5.
calculate the mode by identifying which number occurs most often (4, 4, 5, 8, 9 = 4 because there are two of them). You can have more than one mode.
calculate the range by finding the difference between the highest and lowest numbers (9 - 4 = 5).
Mode:No Mode
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
I think that I am a self managing learner because
Time:I think I am getting along with my work.
To be able to move to being a __________ learner I must...
This is what I am going to do to move to being a __________learner
Monday, 24 March 2014
Stats sharp shooting
WALT calculate the mean, median, mode and range for a set of data.
TASK Elly and Troy want to find out once and for all:
which Activity Group has the overall best score, (mean)
which Activity Group has the highest middle number, (median)
what score was the most common, (mode)
which activity group has the highest range. (range)
In everyday life people collect data to look for trends and make decisions. In order to analyse the information, we need to understand the different ways to lOOK at the data.
Success Criteria you will know you are successful when:
calculate the mean by adding up all the data (9 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 8 = 30) then divide the total by how many numbers there were (9, 4, 4, 5, 8 = 5 numbers so 30 ÷ 5 = 6).
calculate the median by ordering all numbers from smallest to biggest then selecting the middle number (4, 4, 5, 8, 9 = 5 is the middle number). If there are 6 numbers e.g. 4, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, then the median is halfway = 5.5.
calculate the mode by identifying which number occurs most often (4, 4, 5, 8, 9 = 4 because there are two of them). You can have more than one mode.
calculate the range by finding the difference between the highest and lowest numbers (9 - 4 = 5).
score:44,mean: about 15,median: 13,no mode,range:8-23,=15
Sunday, 23 March 2014
Sunday, 9 March 2014
chiddle waddle diddle waddle doo
cry,cry on a apple pie
fight,fight with a big black knight
eat,eat a lot of meat
chiddle waddle diddle waddle doo
meet meet my smelly feet
sit sit on an old brown stick
scare,scare a millionaire
chiddle waddle diddle waddle doo
run,run with a water gun
roll roll a big fat troll
run,run in the daylight sun
chiddle waddle diddle waddle
chiddle waddle diddle waddle
chiddle waddle diddle waddle doo
Thursday, 6 March 2014
Statistics stem and leaf graph
Statistics: Stem and Leaf Graph
WALT: evaluate
Success Criteria:
Gather relevant information
Display data on a stem and leaf graph
Make some conclusions about the data
To present information about reaction times using a ruler.
Stem and Leaf Graph:
Kyan's reflexesDATA:1,30+,26,16,30+,30+10,20,15,14
Sorted Stem and Leaf graph:
my slowest reflex is 30+cm,my fastest reflex is 1cm
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
My maths goal is to...divide using multiplication facts and part-whole stratgies.
The reason I have decided to focus on this goal is because...I need to apply this strategy to more complex problems.
I will accomplish my goal by...dividing complex problems
My writing goal is to...write complex sentences using connectives (e.g. 'although' and 'when') to add more detail to his ideas
The reason I have decidedto focus on this goal is because…
to focus on this goal is because...because complex sentences are new to me,and I don't use much detail
I will accomplish my goal by...using complex sentences and adding detail
Tuesday, 4 March 2014
Nearly 40 people in Auckland have recently been diagnosed with the infectious measles disease.
Westlake Boys High School on Aucklands North Shore is one of the hardest hit communities with 20 ill students.
Several other Westlake Boys High pupils who have not been immunised against measles have been asked to stay away for the next two weeks.
Measles is a very serious disease that is highly contagious and can spread through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
The symptoms include fever, a cough, sore eyes and a rash. There is no treatment, and complications can be severe.
The Auckland Health Service has estimated that around 750 people are at immediate risk of catching the highly contagious disease.
Dr. Julia Peters said the Health Service had been working with the North Shore school for just over a week when the first case of measles was found there.
"This is definitely more than what we'd normally see. We're working hard to contain the measles within the Auckland region."
Dr. Peters said many people who had come down with the disease had recently been overseas and, in particular, in the Philippines.
The public health service has sent information to parents and students at Westlake Boys High and asked that those students who are not sure whether they have been immunised against measles to stay away.
"What we're trying to do is isolate those students as well as those who have measles, because students who are not immunised can get sick," she said.
Another seven cases of measles in Auckland are being investigated - three of them from the same school.
What to watch for Symptoms
* High fever.
* Runny nose, cough, red eyes.
* Small white spots inside mouth.
* Red, blotchy rash on face and neck and later over entire body.
WALT: Analysing an article
Task: Answer questions based on a Newspaper Article.
Success Criteria:
Show critical thinking in your answers.
Answer questions in full sentences.
Use correct spelling and punctuation.
1) How do people contract measles?
by being near the person with measals (if not being immunised)
2) Why do you think so many students at Westlake High School have contracted measles?
because it's a school in Auckland, and Aukland has measles
3) What is the Auckland Health Services main role in this measles outbreak?
I think the health service is North Sshore School
4) In the article Dr. Peters said “many people who had come down with the disease had recently been overseas and, in particular, in the Philippines.” Why do you think this is? the Philipens is near water
5) In your opinion what would be the best way to avoid getting measles?
by getting immused is the best way not to get measles
Use the following criteria to assess yourself and your peer
Show critical thinking in your answers.
Answer questions in full sentences.
Use correct spelling and punctuation.
Self Assessment:I think I need to work on answering questions in full sentences.(KYAN):-|
Peer Assessment: I think you did a great job by thinking about the answer but next time explain more(SALAH)
Monday, 3 March 2014
Milania Lang is only 5 years old, but she didn't let 6.8km of busy roads get in the way of an epic solo scooter journey.
Milania's intrepid outing began when mum Kamilla took her and two friends, plus Kamilla's 19-year-old niece Danielle, to watch a movie at the Auckland waterfront on a recent busy Sunday
"We'd been at the Lantern Festival and I'd heard there was a kid's movie on at the Wynyard Quarter. So I decided to take the children to see it."
With the three children and Danielle, Kamilla went to an information centre on the waterfront to ask about the film.
"They were only about a metre behind me. I thought Milania was just an arm's reach away." But setting out for Princes Wharf, Kamilla realised Milania was missing.
"I asked the others if they knew where she was; but they didn't. So we started frantically looking." But Milania was nowhere to be seen.
Security staff reviewed CCTV footage, which revealed Milania had looked away at the moment th e others went into the centre and it showed her looking around, confused, and scootering off in the opposite direction.
Kamilla called the rest of Milania's family and they came immediately to join the search. After about an hour, the police were called.
One of the officers asked if there was any chance of Milania having gone home. Kamilla thought it unlikely but went with an officer to their home almost 7km away.
"I left the other children with my friend, and drove home in the car. The officer said it was time for us to alert the media and get a helicopter out. That really hit me hard."
They arrived at the family home, but Milania was nowhere to be seen. As they were driving back, a policewoman saw a small child four doors from the home, sitting on a footpath.
"She asked me 'is that her'," said Kamilla. And it was and she was very tired and quiet, but calm. The first thing she said to me was 'you lost me Mum'!
Milania explained she'd lost sight of the group and thought they must have headed home. "So she decided to scooter home to find us. She had to cross some of Auckland's busiest streets all by herself."
Milania's journey is all the more remarkable as she has been to the Wynyard Quarter only two or three times this summer.
Asked if she was scared or sad during her epic journey, Milania responded: "I cried, but just a little."
Comprehension Questions
WALT: Analysing an article
Record your responses to the following questions on your blog. (Think about a suitable title)
1) Do you think Milania did the right thing? What could she have done instead? I think she could of took the short way home
2) What are some potential dangers that Milania faced? being kidnapped,ran over, practise for sinece
3) Define Frantically and what is another word for it that you could use.panic,scared,rushing around.
Milania's intrepid outing began when mum Kamilla took her and two friends, plus Kamilla's 19-year-old niece Danielle, to watch a movie at the Auckland waterfront on a recent busy Sunday
"We'd been at the Lantern Festival and I'd heard there was a kid's movie on at the Wynyard Quarter. So I decided to take the children to see it."
With the three children and Danielle, Kamilla went to an information centre on the waterfront to ask about the film.
"They were only about a metre behind me. I thought Milania was just an arm's reach away." But setting out for Princes Wharf, Kamilla realised Milania was missing.
"I asked the others if they knew where she was; but they didn't. So we started frantically looking." But Milania was nowhere to be seen.
Security staff reviewed CCTV footage, which revealed Milania had looked away at the moment th e others went into the centre and it showed her looking around, confused, and scootering off in the opposite direction.
Kamilla called the rest of Milania's family and they came immediately to join the search. After about an hour, the police were called.
One of the officers asked if there was any chance of Milania having gone home. Kamilla thought it unlikely but went with an officer to their home almost 7km away.
"I left the other children with my friend, and drove home in the car. The officer said it was time for us to alert the media and get a helicopter out. That really hit me hard."
They arrived at the family home, but Milania was nowhere to be seen. As they were driving back, a policewoman saw a small child four doors from the home, sitting on a footpath.
"She asked me 'is that her'," said Kamilla. And it was and she was very tired and quiet, but calm. The first thing she said to me was 'you lost me Mum'!
Milania explained she'd lost sight of the group and thought they must have headed home. "So she decided to scooter home to find us. She had to cross some of Auckland's busiest streets all by herself."
Milania's journey is all the more remarkable as she has been to the Wynyard Quarter only two or three times this summer.
Asked if she was scared or sad during her epic journey, Milania responded: "I cried, but just a little."
Comprehension Questions
WALT: Analysing an article
Record your responses to the following questions on your blog. (Think about a suitable title)
1) Do you think Milania did the right thing? What could she have done instead? I think she could of took the short way home
2) What are some potential dangers that Milania faced? being kidnapped,ran over, practise for sinece
3) Define Frantically and what is another word for it that you could use.panic,scared,rushing around.
Thursday, 20 February 2014
$100 Word Challange
My name(Kyan)costs $51,and the $100 word is Posting,the most expensive contrary I can find is United States Of Albrega it costs $284
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
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