Thursday, 25 February 2016

Listing video

Description: In class poutama chose to learn about the three types of listening. Me 2, active and busy my group (Camden,Sophie B & I) did active and me 2 listening here is a video of our listening examples.

P.S. Yes it is called conflict just got confused 😜

Big idea: Me 2 listening witch is when someone's interrupts the speaker when there talking and the person goes on about something else.👎🏻, Active listening is when you have eye contact and you can start talking when they stop talking, and you can ask questions.👍🏻, Busy listening is when one person is doing something like using a device reading a book ect ect ect.


1 comment:

  1. Well done Camden, Kyan and Sophie. You worked hard together to create your movie about "Active Listening". Also consider using some different camera angles in one scene.
