Sunday, 26 June 2016

Year Six's Japanese Portfolio Sample

Description: Kon'Nichiwa  on Thursday afternoons the year six's go to japanese. Japanese is where there are two groups there is group 1 and group 2 im in group 2 so i go to japanese second and group 2 go to drama but this is japanese so we are trying to learn our introduction memorized and the basic songs that year 1's learn like heads shoulders knees and toes in japanese and also learning how to greet people.

Here s the kids slide that we have.

feedback: I like your description how you added some japanese in it and I like your slide

Feedfoward: I

Evaluation: thank you for the feedback

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Volcanoes Weather Inquiry Portfolio Post

Description: every friday poutama does science Ellys class goes with nic looking at the moon, Nics go to troy doing weather and Elly does seed2table you go there for three weeks and this is the last week with troy so Nics  class so I'm going to seed2table which is cooking and gardening I have been looking at volcanoes with my best buddy Sam M and we have been working on this slideshow with the coke and mentos experiment.
here are the videos for coke and mentos we tried using pepsi max diet coke and regular coke
here is the first try at the coke and mentos challenge

Feedback:I like how the coke went in the air and exploded.

Feedforward: I think you have to put your coke in the freezer for 3 days.


Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Douglas Park Portfolio Sample

Description: On 14th of June 14/06/2016 Douglas Park and Russell Street communicate every year we go to each others school and we play 5 sports which are: Football (Soccer), Rugby, Netball, Hockey and Basket-Ball. I played Basket-Ball and won the trophy there is a trophy for each sport so there are 5 trophies we won B-Ball and Rugby so we lost the flag which was the tararua challenge

Feedback: I like the way you told us a lot about Douglas Park - Sophie I

Feedfoward: next time in your video you could not have the person that is asking the questions
-Sophie I

Monday, 6 June 2016

Cross Country Goals

My goals for cross country are to get into the top twenty and jog,run and sprint the whole way because last year I got 23rd and I want to do better than last year