Thursday, 26 June 2014

My end of term 2 2014 reflections

My end of term reflection 

WALT: evaluate our learning honestly

What is an effective learner? A learner that stays on task and ignores the talking to finish priorities on time.

What were the highlights for this term? Why? My highlight was the kahoots because you can learn and have fun at the same time.

What were your greatest challenges this term?  Why? The cross contury because I don't like running but I still pushed my body to the end without stoping or walking.

How are you going towards acting with integrity? Why?  How could you improve? I think I'm going quite good on showing integrity because I'm staying on task most of the time I could improve by staying on task all of the time.

What are your goals in our learner disposition wall?  Where to next? My goals are i am aware of my of what drives my learning,I am aware of my blockers,I complete the priorities in the time given,I know where to find information about my goals,I can ask for help when I need it,I am ready with the things I need for learning most of the time,I occasionally need a reminder to stay on task,I can follow my timetable,I always make good choices about were to work.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014


Here's my pic collage of the māori legend Ki-O-Rahi

Monday, 23 June 2014

Grass Hopper Tennis

WALT: improve our small ball skills like catching, throwing, and hitting.

Description: We have been participating in a tennis programme with Big John (John Salisbury) from Tennis Manawatu. He has taught us some tennis skills that help with controlling and hitting the ball 
Why? To reflect on how we are going with the tennis skills we have learnt. We will share this during our Student Led Conference.
When? Week 8
Who? The World

Task: complete the rubric with targets to show your reflection. Make a comment to the questions below?

What are you most proud of and why? Playing the lobster game because I had to use lots of skills.

What challenged you the most and Why? The lobster glue because it was very tricky.

Next time, what is a goal you can work towards? Hitting the ball all of the time.

Evaluation: I think I did great at grass hopper tennis

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Science Sample

WALT: show our understanding of how energy works.
Task: Make a video (no longer than 30 seconds) about on example of   
energy. i.e. States of matter, Potential and Kinetic energy, Newtons Cradle or forms of energy like Radiation, Convection, Conduction.


Gathering Data
I can gather information using my 5 senses
I can gather information to make a prediction
I can use my information to draw conclusions
I can share my findings using evidence I have gathered

Heres my science sample about potential and kinetic energy here's my science sample,olny a pc can play it

What makes a good video:
clear voices
- different camera angles
- Still camera skills
- mute background noise
- mixture of still and moving images
- background distractions
- music

What makes a good poster:
- clear writing
- detail
- images
- interactive

feedback:I like the way you have done the description you have added lots of detail in there I like it.
feedforward:I think you should work better on your evaluation then a little bit.

Evaluation: now I know more about science 

Monday, 16 June 2014

Writing sample


  • use a range of verbs (evaporate, melt, etc.) I did use a verb pull.

  • use a variety of specific vocabulary (matter, solid, liquid, gas)

  • add significant detail to describe each part (examples, diagram, giff) I explaended what a newtowns cradle is.

  • vary sentence starters i used the word now a bit

  • organise my ideas into at least 5 paragraphs I didn't do that but my story did tell what a newtowns cradle is about.

Evaluation: I think did really well at this post.

Feedback:well done very descriptive writing. Great idea to draw a diagram. 
Feedforward:don't forget to space between words to help your audience.

Do you know what a newtowns cradle is? If you don't a newtowns cradle is to do with maths and science, it has a two strings connecting to the ball. Now this is repeated four times with the strings and the balls. Now the magic, if you pull the one on the very left or right ball the ball on the other side comes up but if you pull two the other two come up three,three comes up and four well four comes up. There's a diagram about what a newtowns cradle is.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Reading sample

W.A.L.T: rote learn 

Description: Poutama Had to do mnemonic Reading sample and you're  reading it right now, but a mnemonic is a Way to remember you're spelling words e.g. to so you've got you're word now what to do is make two words that start with T & O but for other words you do the same but with creepy you do the same but with the words that start with C R E E P & Y here's my mnemonic sample

Evaluation: I think I did Great at mnemonics

Feedback: I think you did really good and trying your best by working on it.  #Ignacious
Feedforward: You could improve on the picture by adding some more ditail and bigger words.   #Ignacious

Maths Sample

Here's my maths sample W.A.L.T. use known facts to solve unknown facts.

here's the video: 

Feedback:you did do a ok sum and you did great at the detail. #Callum s
Feedforward:you could work on your explaining because half the time I did not know what you were saying.  #Callum s

Discription: We were Doing this because it was a maths expectation, I made a snapper about maths and I made it by using show me

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Integrity movie/Video

WALT: communicate a message with others.
WALT: show integrity.

DESCRIPTION: We have been learning about integrity.  We want to share our understanding with others.

What? Make a Puppet Pal to show our understanding of integrity.
Why? To show what we know about integrity, to share during our Student Led Conference.
When? Term 2, Week 1 - 7
Who? The World

EVALUATION: (Comment directly on the success criteria.  You need to add a comment or a target after each success criteria)
WALT: communicate a message with others.
Create a story board showing the beginning, middle and end of our message. I think we did well with the story board.
Use Puppet Pals as a tool to share our message. I think my group struggled using puppet pals
Keep our audience engaged. I think our audience will be engaged.

WALT: show integrity.
Everyone in our group has contributed evenly. we sucked at that bacause I didn't say much.
Integrity is the main theme of our message. I think it was 50/50 because

I show integrity by: helping,cleaning up and honsty